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receiving terminal中文是什么意思

用"receiving terminal"造句"receiving terminal"怎么读"receiving terminal" in a sentence


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  • Hon patrick lau sau - shing raised a question on proposal to build a liquefied natural gas receiving terminal on tai a chau
  • On 1st september 06 , china light power announced that it proposed to build a liquefied natural gas receiving terminal at south soko island
  • At present , four lng receiving terminals are , or soon will be , under construction in guangdong , fujian and zhejiang provinces and shanghai
  • Wwf submitted detailed comments on the liquefied natural gas receiving terminal environmental impact assessment report to the environmental protection department
  • " a marine park is designated for conservation , recreation and education purposes but having an lng receiving terminal inside would only fail these purposes
  • The design of space - to - ground optical communication systems is also provided , including transmission and receiving terminal , optical subsystem , modulating and detecting scheme
  • Because the distances from different onus to olt are different , the amplitudes and phases of the different signals will have significant difference when receiving the receive terminal
  • In phase i , we deliver and operate a receiving terminal in shenzhen which offtakes lng of 3 . 7 million tons / year and a trunkline which runs as long as 385 kilometers over the pearl river delta
    项目总投资为76 . 2亿人民币,为国内第一家液化天然气的进口项目,一期规模为370万吨/年,在珠江三角洲铺设管线长约379公里,已于2006年建成投产。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"receiving terminal"造句  


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